Mao killed people just to solve China's problems. The creator of Islam, the most dangerous ideology ever, was a mass murderer, an assassin, a slaver, a sex slaver, a rapist and a pedophile, etc. Before the adoption of the Meiji Constitution, Japan had in practice no written constitution. When he was younger, he liked to throw animals of tall buildings. He pushed for war with his own agenda and let Bush take the heat for it. This bald evil and stupid leader commit the most murder then Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. And the police tear loved ones from your arms... USA... is a nice place to be. In his biggest jail, only 15 people emerged alive. What Are the Steps of Presidential Impeachment? He was the leader of the communist revolution. Muhammad absoloutlu was a cruel murdurer.Some of its reosons are1. Responsible for messing around either. I'm a die-hard democrat, bleeding heart liberal, etc., and can't stand any of the Bushes - in the context of being leaders - but they are not evil. LINEA DE TIEMPO DE LA GEOMETRIA. The worst thing he's done is eat dogs because they are more important than the people he hurt. This douche bag belongs in tje number one spot. Probably you NEVER SAW THE MASSACRE IN KASESE! Hitler may have killed a lot of people but in terms of evil, vlad deserves number one. He forced hundreds of parents to watch their children be tortured and killed. Stalin let the KGB kill people that he saw as a threat, because he wanted to rule Soviet.When his wife died nobody could see any reaction from Stalin. Ivan the Terrible. Manipulated Bush, and the Miltary Ind Complex to his own design. This helped spread religion and culture. Jan 1, 1573. One may argue that Hitler literally wiped out the entire Jewish state but Stalin takes the cake for being one of the most brutal leaders to ever exist. At least hitler gave a reason for the death of 6 million jews. Specify between which dates you want to search, and what keywords you are looking for. Six churches were selected and in-depth interviews were conducted with six primary leaders and eight secondary leaders. No country has any words. Also his eyes had been gouged out and his lips had been cut off.I do know that nazi scientists made experiments on twins in the concentration camps and tried to switch eye colour on prisoners.After all I have read about world war 2 I have to say that Josef Stalin was the worst. This guy may have been even worse than Hitler. He is an idiot enough to try to fight 1 on 1000000. Brought utter destruction upon a great nation. Originally, a Chinese-inspired legal system known as ritsuryō was enacted in the late Asuka period and early Nara period. He boiled infants and children and forced their parents to eat them. Japan's dramatic economic growth slowed, and social problems increased, especially in the countryside. But, definitely a dangerous one.It is well archived and known that the people of Mecca were not interested in what Muhammed had to say and banished him from Mecca because they did not want to convert to Islam and did not believe what he had to say.But, he would later return with a band of followers that he acquired and forced Islam on Mecca via brute force. Find out more about the greatest Japanese Leaders, including Shinzō Abe, Akihito, Satoru Iwata, Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu. Followed by the signing of NAFTA and disgusting trade agreements overseas that literally made it cheaper to build things across the world and ship them back leading to over 50000 factories closing since the 90s. Isoroku Yamamoto, perhaps Japan’s greatest strategist and the officer who would contrive the surprise air attack on U.S. naval forces at Pearl Harbor, is born on April 4, 1884. However, his counselors advised him to bide his time until a proper armada of warships could be built—300 to 600, vessels which would be commissioned from the shipyards of southern China and Korea, and an army of some 40,000 … He also had as close to NO CRIME during his reign. 1) Vlad ate in the fields of impaled rotting corpses, dipping his bread in a bowl of their blood. to support this goal, the meiji abolished feudalism and created a . He also invaded the city called Novgorod and ordered 500 to 1000 people be tortured to death in front of him each day this included being skinned disembowled boiled fried and beaten to death. His farms were known as the 'killing fields'. You don't know anything about this man. Mao was helped by Stalin in the war to implement communism in China. In japan under his rule. He is the longest-serving Prime Minister in Japanese history. I think you need to use your brain and redefine the meaning of "evil" in your naïve little world.