Kids also develop skills necessary to participate in a wide range of activities, such as soccer, basketball, or swimming. Next, cooperation and control and management received considerable attention. What does the literature indicate are the main benefits of PE and sports in terms of children’s personal and social development? The four sports studies showed mixed results. Hodge and Lonsdale, 2011; Weinstein and Ryan, 2010), social competence (Petitpas and Champagne, 2000), personal and social responsibility (Hellison, 1995, 2011), social–emotional learning (Taylor et al., 2017) and character development (e.g. In order to allow researchers and practitioners to build on or use programme information, future research should provide a concise though complete description of the programme under investigation. Physical Fitness Stamina Speed Core Stability and Strength Flexibility I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play. This is especially true with communities of disadvantaged, marginalized and poor individuals. Positive peer relationships between young people are encouraged through physical activity and coaching is considered a key aspect of how physical activity can contribute to social inclusion among young people. Six sports studies [17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 48] showed that some skills can or could be transferred. Employers look for social and emotional behaviors such as dependability, punctuality, reliability, the ability to work productively in groups, and to contribute with ideas and sustained effort. The goal of social development is to improve the lives of citizens individually and as part of a complete society. The most widely examined outcome across all studies was prosocial behaviour. To start with, general information on the included studies was extracted (research question 1). Responsibility includes personal responsibility, social responsibility and accountability. The study [64] combining PE and sports showed parents were positive with regard to the impact on interacting with others and making friends. This quantitative study [40], which examined the effectiveness of a life skills programme in PE, provides a detailed overview of the life skills, the sports and the lesson content for each of the 17 sessions in the programme. In the PE studies, programme participation was associated with an increase in students’ perception of self-control [27, 35, 37, 39], coping skills [56] and managerial skills [60], with one study [35] showing improvement in the control group as well. (2019) underline the importance of teaching skills in an intentional and systematic manner. In the narrow sense of the word, physical development means anthropometric measures (height, weight, circumference and volume of the chest, foot size, etc. [O] = personal development, social development, positive development, youth development, psychosocial development, social-emotional development, life skill, transfer skill, personal skill, personal outcome, personal benefit, personal competence, social skill, social outcome, social benefit, social competence, social behavio(u)r, prosocial skill, prosocial behavio(u)r, psychosocial skill, psychosocial outcome, psychosocial benefit, psychosocial competence, psychosocial behavio(u)r, social-emotional skill, social-emotional outcome, social-emotional benefit, social-emotional behavio(u)r, initiative, self-directed behavio(u)r, goal-setting, decision-making skill, problem-solving, regulation skill, coping skill, leadership, responsibility, responsible behavio(u)r, relationship skill, interpersonal skill, cooperation, collaboration, communication, conflict resolution, respect. In the online supplementary Table 1, general information for each of the included studies (n = 88) is provided, including: the context of the study (PE, sports or both); the location of the study; the study design; the study method; the sample, selection and allocation; and the instruments. Katrijn Opstoel is a PhD Student at the Department of Education at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. This is achieved at home within families, as well as schools and local organizations like clubs and community programs. All PE programmes [27, 29, 39] except for one [40] contributed positively to participants’ problem-solving abilities. (2014) noted that personal and social development constitutes one of the main and most frequently cited goals of European PE programmes. They concluded that participants were using the term life skills to refer to psychosocial skills (World Health Organization, 1999) for which they also used other keywords, including personal, social, and interpersonal skills. Cooperation and work ethic received considerable attention as well, particularly in the context of sports with studies showing a positive relationship with helping peers and teamwork. Social factors that affect performance include sportsmanship, motivation, communication, and cooperation. Which concepts of personal and social development are investigated in relation to PE and sports? The main findings for each of the 11 themes are reported, and limitations and implications are provided to guide researchers and practitioners in their future work. Social development means investing in people. Sports were positively associated with communication skills [1, 25, 33, 47, 48, 50, 57, 70], becoming more vocal [70] and overcoming challenges when communicating with others [24]. Finally, in the study combining PE and sports, interviews with parents showed they were positive regarding the contributions of PE and sports to social responsibility [64]. In this phase, 4133 articles were excluded. As such, stronger evidence is needed to support claims about these potential benefits of PE. When asked which life skills they thought their children learned, teamwork was one of the most frequently mentioned. In one study, coaches had mixed opinions about the transfer of skills between settings [67]. States and local school districts across the country use the National Standards to develop or revise existing standards, frameworks and curricula. This review provides an overview of the existing literature on school-aged children’s and youth’s (i.e. Any disagreements between the two reviewers were discussed. Whether using an explicit or implicit approach, programme leaders still need to create an appropriate environment and supportive interpersonal relationships for skills to be transferred (Turnnidge et al., 2014). This is surprising as Hardman et al. • Identifies different ways to be physically active. Skill development is a major part of physical education, especially with younger students. In future studies, these negative outcomes may receive attention as well. One study [35] found no difference in effort between the pre-test and post-test conditions. Physical education is a course taught in school that focuses on developing physical fitness and the ability to perform and enjoy day-to-day physical activities with ease. In addition, the same study concluded that boys involved in sports had, according to their parents, fewer peer problems. ORCID iDKatrijn Opstoel The databases of Embase, ERIC, PsycINFO, PubMed, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science were searched for records that contained a combination of the specified words in the title or abstract. As an example, when asked about the effect of implementing the TPSR model in a primary school PE class, the teacher mentioned that “…the children are learning to be more open individuals, are more willing to enter into a dialogue…” (Escartí et al., 2010a: 396). The intent of social development is to improve life for all. Articles had to be published in a peer-reviewed journal between 1 January 2008 and 6 December 2017. Social Development Framework One of the most positive aspects of social development is its ability to influence larger social institutions. (2009). In relation to the specific context of PE, our review revealed that in a period of 10 years only 26 studies focused on youngsters’ personal and social development through PE. When helping helps: Autonomous motivation for prosocial behavior and its influence on well-being for the helper and recipient, Teach the children well: A holistic approach to developing psychosocial and behavioral competencies through physical education, Partners in Life Skills Education. Social wellbeing. (2014) noted that personal and social development constitutes one of the main and most frequently cited goals of European PE programmes. This review aims to answer the following questions: What characterizes studies investigating the benefits of PE and sports on children’s personal and social development? In response to a world-wide PE survey, Hardman et al. As some studies do not provide full information on the amount and frequency of sessions, we could not draw conclusions about the systematic manner of teaching skills in the programme. Yet, despite the recognized power of physical education, we are seeing a global decline in its delivery. reducing antisocial behaviour such as bullying) (Benson et al., 2006; Holt, 2016; Lerner et al., 2005). Two reviewers (KO and LC) carried out the substantial task of independently screening titles and abstracts of the remaining 4359 articles to see whether they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which are specified below. A total of 16 studies discuss communication as a benefit of PE or sports. Apart from these five categories, we also identified six other categories of personal and social outcomes that were addressed to a moderate degree. One PE study did not find a significant change in goal-setting as a result of the programme [40]. Sports were positively related to leadership [15, 33, 85], being a leader [10, 24, 49, 70], being a role model [10, 24, 33, 49], coaching others [10], leadership skills [10, 25, 79] and use of voice [62]. It is about refusing to … All three PE studies were positive regarding its impact on communication skills [3, 60] and maintaining a dialogue [26]. Cooperation refers to concepts such as teamwork, interpersonal skills and working together. To structure the results of the included studies, the investigated concepts were grouped into different themes by the first author (KO) (research question 2). These include sport and opportunities for play, consistent with the rights of the child to optimum development. Physical Development. Most studies had a cross-sectional design, precluding us from drawing conclusions in relation to children’s personal and social development over time. As an example, secondary school students receiving PE following the Responsibility Model, were generally positive about making decisions for themselves, whereas students in the comparison classes were not [37]. The studies in sports showed a positive relationship with responsibility [25, 74, 82a, 85], personal responsibility [50, 66, 70], social responsibility [7, 12, 22, 50, 61] and accountability [25, 49]. 16.8%) mentioned stress management as a benefit of sports. Three studies [46, 75, 86] showed mixed results indicating that goal-setting was not or was only partly related to sports participation. One study [14] did not find a relationship between sports and adult network and social capital, whereas the other study showed that team sports athletes scored significantly higher in terms of adult network and social capital compared to individual sports athletes [45]. Another study [5] showed that peer support, pride, opportunities (for transfer), rewards, and transfer experience were deemed important enablers of transfer. Two studies, both qualitative, were conducted in PE and three studies were conducted in sports (two qualitative and one mixed method). This is the procedure by which infants become children, teenagers, adults and then enter into old age. Eight out of nine PE studies found a positive association with team work [60], cooperation [3, 42], helping each other [4, 29, 37, 76, 78], working cooperatively sharing resources [29] and working together [29]. Sports, on the other hand, were positively associated with goal-setting [11, 15, 25, 47, 51, 52, 85], focusing on improvement [10] or common goals [47, 75] and setting and achieving goals [10, 24]. Dudley et al., 2017; Haerens et al., 2017). Physical Development. Through social development, people are nurtured from the ground up to have their voices heard within their communities and have a sense of empowerment. Social development is the prioritization of human needs in a society. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the research that examined school-aged children and youth’s (i.e. Available qualitative and quantitative evidence shows that participation in PE and sports yields benefits in terms of personal and social development. Child social activities grow with the passage of time, that is called socialization process, which continues throughout the life.. (2005) stated, programmes that promote psychosocial development should have clearly defined goals and strategies to enhance the generalizability and transfer of life skills to other important life domains. This supports the increasing interest in preparing children for the future by teaching them personal and social skills. For example, Hellison’s model of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) (Hellison, 2011), initially developed to re-engage troubled youth into society, is now widely implemented in regular PE classes (Beaudoin, 2012; Diedrich, 2014; Escartí et al., 2010a; Hemphill et al., 2015; Martins et al., 2015; Wright and Burton, 2008). This lack of information also hampers the implementation of effective programmes by practitioners. “Psychosocial competence is defined as a person’s ability to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life. Concepts were grouped into the following 11 themes: work ethic; control and management; goal-setting; decision-making; problem-solving; responsibility; leadership; cooperation; meeting people and making friends; communication; and prosocial behaviour. and sport in recognition of the educational, social, health and cultural benefits that can be gained through participation. As Petitpas et al. In relation to criterion 3, articles concerning free play, which is not structured, were not included. Seven studies did not specify an instructional model or theoretical framework in their programme description. At this stage of social development, friendship usually means sharing toys and having fun playing together. Social development is about improving the well-being of every individual in society so they can reach their full potential. This makes it difficult for researchers to compare results across programmes so as to conclude which programmes result in the greatest benefits. Programme participation was not related to positive changes in children’s social control [3, 44] and emotional control [44]. Physical development growth spurts occur about two years earlier in girls than boys. The teacher and coach play an important role in structuring the pedagogical circumstances under which positive outcomes can be achieved. Four sports studies only found a moderate impact on children’s positive communication [49], interpersonal communication [21] and communication skills [73, 75]. Physical Education is a means to encourage the development of motor skills, physical abilities, knowledge, reasoning, appreciation of the value (attitude- mental-emotional-spiritual-social), and habituation healthy lifestyle that … According to Goudas and Giannoudis (2008), one of the reasons that PE and sports are suitable contexts for learning these skills is the transferability of these skills to other domains in life. Currently, few of these studies were found, and these studies showed that PE had a positive effect on assertiveness, cooperation, communication, self-control, coping skills and problem-solving skills. respect), leadership skills, problem-solving skills, and personal and social responsibility skills. The uniformity, collaboration and cooperation that social development creates is called social cohesion. Recent Research Results. The full texts were screened independently by reviewers (KO and LC) on the basis of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. What is Child Social Development . Looking at the subsample of studies investigating a PE or sports programme, many lack information regarding the programme characteristics. Evidence suggests that youngsters can develop these personal and social skills through their participation in physical education (PE) (Weiss, 2011) and sports (e.g. Its object is to awaken and develop in the child those physical, intellectual and moral states which are required of him both by his society as a whole and by the milieu for which he is specially designed”. The inductive method of grouping concepts resulted in the following 11 themes: work ethic; control and management; goal-setting; decision-making; problem-solving; responsibility; leadership; cooperation; meeting people and making friends; communication; and prosocial behaviour. However, evidence that supports the personal and social benefits of PE and sports has been inconclusive so far (Bailey et al., 2009; Morris et al., 2003). The results of the studies focusing on sports were mainly positive. Responsive and nurturing caregivers are essential for healthy social and emotional well-being. Families typically give young children … A total of 27 studies reported on meeting people and making friends. Leen Haerens is Associate Professor at the Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the Ghent University. In a world that is rapidly changing, children in both primary and secondary schools benefit from developing a range of personal and social skills such as peer relationship skills, prosocial behaviours (e.g. By continuing to browse The end goal of social cohesion is to create a more just, peaceful and fair society where there's peace and calm at all levels of the society, including various communities within a larger society. Third, positive outcomes are not an automatic response of children’s and adolescents’ participation in PE or sports (Bailey et al., 2009; Cryan and Martinek, 2017; Fraser-Thomas and Côté, 2009). In the fourth PE study [26], the PE teacher was asked to comment on the transfer of the skills learned through the TPSR model that was implemented in this class: “But then they leave class and I am not sure that they are doing it well…the first level of the program, that of respect, has been reached in my class pretty well, although I have not seen that this has been transmitted outside my class. Simply select your manager software from the list below and click on download. Three studies, all qualitative, included both PE and sports. It is clear that many different terms are used to describe a similar concept. Social development, particularly in areas prone to the devastating effects of natural disasters, also includes the act of making towns and villages less susceptible to damage and destruction from flooding, fires and major storms. In addition, Petitpas et al. Articles were included if they met three different criteria: (1) if they reported on the relation between PE/sports programmes/activities and personal, social, psychosocial, social-emotional or life skills development, or the development of related skills or outcomes (e.g. First, when referring to personal and social development, different terms are used interchangeably to describe similar concepts. By indicating when a study lacked specific information we tried to be as transparent as possible. A series of measures has already been adopted to promote awareness and action related to the cultivation of a more active, physically educated and healthier society. A definition of intelligence should focus on the ability to learn to do something rather than being competent at it. In total, 21 studies reported on the relationship between PE or sports and responsibility. Other terms related to personal and social development that are often used in the literature are prosocial behaviour (e.g. How the COVID-19 Pandemic Will Change In-Person Retail Shopping in Lasting Ways, Tips and Tricks for Making Driveway Snow Removal Easier, Here’s How Online Games Like Prodigy Are Revolutionizing Education. Cooperative Learning in Physical Education by Grineski (1996)) were consulted to find keywords related to personal/social development. Sports were positively associated with assuming control [21], self-control [30], self-management [63], time management skills [18, 33, 52, 86], emotional control [21, 45, 47, 53, 86], resilience [33], and managing stress [33, 47, 85]. The least examined outcomes were decision-making and problem-solving. Most programmes included in this review have clearly defined goals but the strategies to achieve those goals are not always clearly described. Bailey et al., 2009) and books (e.g. [C] = no specific comparison group was added to the search strategy. Whether they actually applied these goals outside the gymnasium was not investigated. If the concept was found to be similar to another, based on their definition and synonyms, the concepts were placed together (e.g. The six PE studies found improvements in assertiveness [3, 36], effort [4], being tough and not giving up [4] and self-direction [37, 88] as a result of programme participation. In another study [88], students were questioned about whether they thought of ways to transfer TPSR goals to other settings. Physical education also helps students develop social skills. Social/Emotional learning - developing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision making, and relationship management. Social development through Physical Education How outdoor education and adventurous activities can provide a positive learning environment for young people that promotes social and emotional development. Research shows that when schools fully integrate social, emotional, and academic development into K-12 education, academic performance improves, students are more engaged in school, and—as a result—they are more … In a stepwise fashion and a random order, a card (e.g. Some society journals require you to create a personal profile, then activate your society account, You are adding the following journals to your email alerts, Did you struggle to get access to this article? Social development is the framework of norms, guidelines and standards that govern human interactions. Some communities receive outside assistance from programs and organizations to help achieve social development within their boundaries. He conceives of education … Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, Department of Mental Health, Tool for assessing responsibility-based education (TARE): Instrument development, content validity, and inter-rater reliability, Implementation and outcomes of a responsibility-based physical activity program integrated into an intact high school physical education class, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, North West Counties Physical Education Association, SAGE Publications, Personal and social development in physical education and sports: A review study,,, Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2014,, number of participants, age and gender), selection and allocation; and the instruments. One qualitative study combined PE and sports. This holds true for work ethic, problem-solving, communication, meeting people and friends, leadership, decision-making and goal-setting. A total of 19 studies reported on the relationship between PE or sports and leadership. In relation to inclusion criterion 1, sports activities were broadly considered, including school sports activities, as well as different types of leisure time sports activities, such as competitive organized sports activities and sports summer camps. All three PE studies reported a positive impact of PE on leadership [88], being a leader [76, 87, 88] and taking on new roles [87]. (4) Does the label of the theme fit the underlying concepts? Then, the reference lists of all included articles were checked for any missing relevant articles (backward tracking). The full reference list of the included studies, as well as all tables (i.e. These articles underwent the same selection procedure. A total of 4359 non-duplicate articles were retrieved from six databases. HWB 0-22a • Sustains energetic levels of play/activity. The 88 studies used several study designs, methods and instruments to investigate a variety of concepts related to personal and social development. Social development is defined as an on-going refinement of existing behavioral patterns, feelings, attitude toward others, and understanding of others. This lesson will examine some of the physical, social, and emotional benefits … Figure 1 provides an overview of the stages of study selection. How do peers react to children and adolescents who fail to conform to cultural norms of social competence? These are joint attention; peer … Sports are positively associated with: work ethic [25, 47]; (self-)discipline [15, 24, 25, 47, 53, 70, 85]; assertiveness [30, 33, 70]; initiative [45, 52, 70]; effort [10, 25, 49, 70, 75]; commitment [25, 32, 33, 48, 73]; being tough, not giving up [10]; perseverance [16, 17, 24, 33, 67, 82a, 85]; focus or concentration [48, 67, 85]; independence [33]; and self-direction [70]. The majority of students (93.6%) affirmed that they indeed thought of ways to do so. Standard 1: The physically … This is generally accomplished with assistance from outside organizations, and sometimes with organizations and key partnerships that may even include governmental organizations. Positive Youth Development (Holt, 2016), life skills development (e.g. If, however, a concept (e.g. Figure 1. Social development . SHAPE America's National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education define what a student should know and be able to do as result of a highly effective physical education program. As Petitpas et al. The term life skills education, which has also been used by scholars in the field (Bean and Forneris, 2017), was defined by the WHO as follows: “Life skills education is designed to facilitate the practice and reinforcement of psychosocial skills in a culturally and developmentally appropriate way; it contributes to the promotion of personal and social development, the prevention of health and social problems, and the protection of human rights” (World Health Organization, 1999). In addition, these programs have clearly defined goals and strategies to enhance the generalizability and transfer of life skills to other important life domains”. Goal-setting refers to setting and achieving goals for individual and/or team improvement. jealously or exclusion). Yet, the quantitative evidence is predominantly cross-sectional in nature, and mainly focuses on prosocial behaviour, cooperation and work ethic at the expense of other important outcomes such as decision-making and problem-solving. It aims to develop students’ physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. This site uses cookies. In total, 88 articles were included for data extraction, of which 34 were quantitative studies, 39 were qualitative studies and 15 were mixed-method studies. Three sports studies did not show a positive relationship with responsibility [30, 86] and personal responsibility [22]. Child ’ s ( i.e may receive attention as well as all (... To refer to general fitness ; muscular development, over/under weightness, etc ) reporting primary. Important component of social development subscribed to body, … physical development as transparent as possible communication... Miles et al., 2005 ) on the meaning and objectives of life skills education ( World Health Organization who. 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