Bronze is a combination of 10% tin and 90% copper. 2. The Bronze Age itself is a very huge subject and loads of books have already been written on the subject by some of the best archaeologists of our age. Bronze gradually replaced stone as the main material for tools and by 2000 BC the period known as the Early Bronze Age had begun. English Heritage - Bronze Age Barrows and Burial Mounds, free PDF download Included are 12 bright and bold resources in … The Bronze Age is a time period when bronze replaced stone as the preferred material for making tools and weapons. Although this book is now nearly 50 years old it still tells a great story and is a great way into looking at Skara Brae. BBC History: Mummification in Bronze Age Britain. KS2 Bronze Age- Large Bronze Age Display Poster. KS2 Key Stage 2 KS2 Adobe Reader. The first metal which was used was copper, then bronze, which is a mixture of copper and tin, and then finally iron, which is a much more abundant mineral and therefore easier to find in nature. Around 3000 BCE, the Bronze Age succeeded the Neolithic Age as the last phase of the tripartite division of early human history. BBC History: Bronze Age Britain overview. The Bronze Age, the era in which bronze became available to a society, occurred at different times around the globe.The first cultures to enter a Bronze Age were those of … 6. The Bronze Age witnessed the rise of several great civilizations. The most popular houses in the Bronze Age and Iron Age were round houses which were made out of wattle and daub (woven wood and mud mixed with straw). KS2 History - The Amesbury Archer Archaeological Site Cut and Stick Activity This activity is designed to test pupils’ understanding of the story about the Amesbury Archer. The discovery of bronze changed a great many things. In China, Bronze Age civilizations centered around the Yellow River during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 B.C) and Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 B.C.). The Bell-Beaker People brought bronze into Britain. Preview. As the Bronze Age progressed, cremation became more common, with ashes being deposited in a small pit or pottery urn, within an older or new barrow. Teach your class all about the Bronze Age, including jewellery, settlement, warriors and more with this colourful resource! Free Presentations in PowerPoint format. The Bronze Age, 2300 BC to 700 BC. In Europe the Bronze Age began with the Aegean Bronze Age (3200 BC). Saved by Twinkl Resources . This is when men learned how to mine copper and tin to make bronze weapons. Bronze is a hard, yellowish alloy, or mixture of metals. There were no written records during the Bronze Age. Bronze was made by heating the metals tin and copper and mixing them together. Bronze is a metal made from copper and tin. Knowledge of metalworking gradually spread from Europe to Ireland during the 2nd millenium BC ( 2000 years Before Christ).The Bronze Age was called so after the metal Bronze which was a mixture of copper and tin. The Bronze Age (3000 BC - 1200 BC) signalled a big leap forward for the human race. The transition from the Late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age isn't entirely clear, but it's generally accepted that the date range for the Bronze Age is from 4700 years ago to 2600 years ago. 5. Tools . (KS2: Bronze Age religion) On the high ground of Bursdon Moor there are nine barrows, or burial mounds, which form part of a widespread group of prehistoric monuments in the Hartland area. Bronze weapons are much stronger than stone weapons. Click to read more facts and information on the Bronze Age … It is thought that the Bronze Age began in Britain around 2100 BC. This was poured into clay or sand moulds and allowed to cool. Teach your class all about Bronze Age terms, including ‘axe’, ‘beaker’, ‘cart’ and more with this glossary! 3. The Indus Valley civilization entered the Bronze Age in around 3300 BC. Lesson plans and resources for the 'Stone Age to Iron Age' topic for KS2. KS2 History - Bronze Age Smelting Sequencing Cards Activity This activity tasks pupils with matching the picture and caption cards, before putting them in the correct order to reflect the bronze-making process.