3. Answer ten simple questions about the art and get your score. Vincent Van Gogh, 3. Need a downloadable version of this trivia quiz? As of Jan 22 21. Hamlet, 5. Our online art trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top art quizzes. Edvard Munch, 2. Mona Lisa. This quiz is incomplete! The Last Supper. Had enough of this English literary quiz? Which artist painted The Girl With A Pearl Earring? Artist Richard Hamilton attended evening classes at which London art university? Which English monarch did Holbein paint in 1536? 3. 1. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Which pop artist predicted that everyone would be famous for 15 minutes? Mexico, 5. Rembrandt, 5. Questions are somewhat challenging and have been proven in Irish pubs across Germany and the world. Art Pub Quiz Questions Instead of the usual "art and literature" trivia, I have separated the art pub quiz questions from the literature pub quiz questions and placed them each in separate categories. Les auteurs / Littérature Les livres / Littérature Bandes dessinées / Mangas Poèmes / poèsies From debut albums and Bond themes, to real names and a fun picture round, it’s time to find out if you’re a music maestro! Atonement This UK picture quiz, features 50 challenging questions across 5 fun rounds. This quiz has been created by ldubose and mnbates out of discussions we have had on art and architecture created for religious or commercial reasons. How well do you think you know Wales? Quiz Question 28) Who proposed the idea of debt for nature swap, which is now catching up fast all over the world? Placing your mouse over each image will give the name of the painting, artist and year it was painted. 2. Who wrote Captain Corelli’s Mandolin? 8. 4. Claude Monet 107. Are you a world traveller who can identify every single country on the map? Questions are somewhat challenging and have been proven in Irish pubs across Germany and the world. Art History Quiz. The Angel of the North is by which British sculptor? Easy Visual Arts Quiz 1. Gustav Klimt, 4. This is the opening line from which book: “Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy.” Pour la musique, sachez distinguer les principaux genres de la musique classique. Average score for this quiz is 11 / 20. 1.2 Chez Kant, le jugement esthétique est : 1.3 Quel auteur a déclaré : « La beauté est une promesse de bonheur » ? The Angel of the North is by which British sculptor? Solo Practice. 1. In which book would you find this line: “All children, except one, grow up.”. 2. The Ultimate Art Quiz! Answer: Fiction. What are the names of all four Tate galleries? 2 Et qui a peint "Le sacre de Napoléon" ? General and specific questions about modern art. Which modern artist created several tapestries with the collective title, The Vanity of Small Differences? Virginia Woolf, 7. Who wrote The Green Mile? The paintings in... Artists, Painters, & Architects – Arts and Culture Quiz Part 2. Time for your virtual pub quiz! And once you’re done, why not try our TV pub quiz, film pub quiz, music quiz or sport pub quiz for size? 6. Play the Art quiz to find out how much you know about the art. Classical Art Quiz Questions. Privacy Policy Which Parisian museum shows off the Mona Lisa? Are you sophisticated enough to score 25/25? Tracey Emin, 7. Who illustrated Roald Dahl’s books? Alternatively, scroll to see the answers at the foot of this page. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is on display in which Paris museum? Finish Editing. Edit. Art Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers is a collection of art quiz questions and answers providing some of the most interesting facts in fine art. Difficulty: Tough. Live Game Live. 6. Who painted The Scream? Best of luck answering these challenging art and literature quiz questions. 3. Hieronymus Bosch. 31) What is aphonia? Some posts on this site contain affiliate links. QUIZZ : L’art. Mona Lisa. Which artist painted The Scream in 1893? Let’s switch gears and head into the rich territory of art, starting off with ten great quiz questions and answers about the classics: 1. Art Pub Quiz Questions Instead of the usual "art and literature" trivia, I have separated the art pub quiz questions from the literature pub quiz questions and placed them each in separate categories. Andrew Wyeth’s 1948 painting ‘Christina’s World’ is of a real house in which US state? ‘The Storm on the Sea of Galilee’, ‘The Night Watch’ and ‘The Return of the Prodigal Son’. 8. Even the most cultured of people may struggle to name famous painters from history. 10. What was the name of Banksy’s 2015 pop-up exhibition in Weston-super-Mare? How much do you know about art? Quizzes | Create a quiz Progress: 1 of 10 questions . Edit. Answer questions on sculptures, Islamic art, Edgar Degas, Botticelli and more. Played 2,637 times. Already have an account with us? Caravaggio . There are lots of things we learned at school that seem to have evaporated from our brains since. START. The Sword Art Online quiz. by catlover0609. Questions. If you're a fan of travelling around England, or of English culture, no doubt you'll fare well on this quiz. It's time to find out once and for all who knows their way around the globe. Answer: Principia Mathematica. The Weeping Woman is a famous painting by which Spanish artist? Played 2,637 times. 1. 1. Identify the famous paintings and the artists that painted them. 70% average accuracy. PaulsQuiz Free Quiz Questions and Answers - The number one free pub quiz location for high quality well researched Pub Quizzes. 10 Mixed Art Questions – Do you think you’re a try Art Expert? Let's start now! 1/10. Caravaggio . Streaming services we think you might like…. Vincent Van Gogh . Let's see if you can answer challenging questions. In which country was Frida Kahlo born? Over 3,790 trivia questions to answer. In this article you will find 25 quiz questions and answers on all things art and literature. From names of rivers to mountains and specific facts about this small country, it's time to put your knowledge to the test with these Wales quiz questions. Artists have created some impressive works throughout history that have made them famous even years after their deaths. Halloween Quiz 3 – Round 2 – Art and Literature. Gold colored: 2: In which Spanish city did the Joan Miro museum open in 1975? Which modern artist created several tapestries with the collective title, The Vanity of Small Differences? The Birth of Venus. Testez votre culture générale avec nos quizz, toutes les réponses aux questions sont sur le site, du coup si vous faites des erreurs, vous pourrez vous rattraper en lisant l’article associé à la question. What do you know about the the history of art? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Quiz question Answer; 1: What color are often the domes of churches in Russia? 3. 1st - 3rd grade . Have you brushed up on Shakespeare’s greatest works, or do you need to go back to school and revise? Take our quiz and show your friends that you are the best. Which British artist is known for an exhibit which featured a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde? Atticus Finch is one of the main characters in which novel from 1960? Which artist painted The Persistence of Memory? 1 Testez vos connaissances sur le chapitre : L’Art. Who painted 'The Creation of Adam' a part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling? Not sure where you fancy going? Practice. Arts. So be prepared to test your general knowledge on everything from Van Gogh to The Great Gatsby. Which animal is the mascot of Hufflepuff house in the Harry Potter series? Time to find out if you’re a culture vulture, or you need to get your head in a book and learn some more! Pierre-Auguste Renoir began working in a porcelain factory at age 13. Which American artist said “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes”? Movement in Squares. Rembrandt. Round 2 – Art Quiz Questions. Want the very best of Disney, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel and National Geographic – plus 30 seasons of The Simpsons all in one place? Then there’s the art world. Looking for London trivia questions? Difficulty: Tough. Rene Magritte’s ‘The Son of Man’ depicts a man in a suit and bowler hat. It's the ultimate test for anyone who thinks they know British culture inside-out. Horatio, Ophelia and Gertrude are characters in which William Shakespeare tragedy? Which French artist created The Snail? Modern Art 20 question trivia quiz, authored by artquiz77. Sign in to manage your newsletter preferences. Why not test your trivia by taking this quiz? How much do you know? Hedgehog, 4. Posted in art and literature quizzes. Horatio, Ophelia and Gertrude are characters in which William Shakespeare tragedy? Damien Hurst 108. Request our free guide written by Paul Lewis and calculate how much you can release. ‘The Last Supper’, ‘The Virgin of the Rocks’ and ‘Vitruvian Man’. Let's start now! 30) HTML stands for? This quiz is incomplete! Henry Moore 103. Can you name the artist responsible for all three? How many lines are there in a sonnet? Which British artist is known for an exhibit which featured a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde? Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, 5. Who wrote The Boy in the Dress? The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is on display in which Paris museum? Who created the work of art known as Campbell's Soup Cans? In which country can you see the sphinx? The Louvre, Paris, France 106. 2. In the trilogy His Dark Materials, which book precedes The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass? This fun logo quiz features five challenging rounds, and includes themed rounds on car logos, food companies and fashion brands. You might have aced the 50-question geography quiz, but now it's time to find out how well you know your capital cities. Library of Birmingham – a great place to plan some of my literature quiz questions and answers! What about naming all 45 presidents? 3. To Kill A Mockingbird, 7. Barcelona : 3: Which Italian artist painted the Birth of Venus? This art trivia quiz challenges you, by mixing together historical names with contemporary ones. GK Quiz 2017: General Knowledge Questions Answer 2017-2018 Part 4 . Question: Name the painting technique that is executed entirely in shades or tints of a single color unnatural to the object. The world's largest collection of Art trivia quizzes in the humanities category. Edit. They’ll keep you busy! Art Quiz Questions. 10 Mixed Art Questions – Do you think you’re a try Art Expert? 1. Edit. Get more from your music with this great deal from Aquarius. 2. 10. 2. Art Quiz: Trivia Questions and Answers is a collection of art quiz questions and answers providing some of the most interesting facts in fine art. Arts. Time for your virtual pub quiz! Difficult Art Quiz. Drawing and Painting are such good fun! “Twas the Night before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse…” What is the next line? 5. Prev Article Next Article . Whether you want to discover the Language of Art or learn more about famous sculptures, our KS2 Art and Design quizzes are ready to teach you all you need to know in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. To download the art quiz questions as a PDF contestant question paper, with printed questions only and spaces for answers, please click on the grey link below: Quiz 137 Round 4 Art . Students studying KS2 Art and Design can uncover a world of creativity. Art et littérature > QUIZ Art et Littérature Découvrez les sous catégories de la rubrique "Art et littérature". PaulsQuiz Free Quiz Questions and Answers - The number one free pub quiz location for high quality well researched Pub Quizzes. Save. From famous kings and longest rivers, to unusual facts and famous people, these Great British quiz questions will test your knowledge of British geography, history, cities, landmarks, literature and more. Sense and Sensibility 1. Let your appreciation for art flow. Mary Cassat was invited by Edgar Degas to exhibit with the Impressionists in 1879. Difficult Art Quiz. Question: Which artist or architect is credited with mastering the design and construction of the dome? Miscellaneous quizzes about painters and their paintings, art movements, living years, nationalities, self-portraits and photos. Answers. If you've aced some of the geography rounds so far, it's time to move on USA trivia? Feeling taxed or think you nailed it? Delete Quiz. In which country was Frida Kahlo born? There are plenty of incredible modern artists pushing the boundaries with graffiti, murals, art installations and more. Whose artworks include ‘My Bed’, ‘Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963-1995’ and ‘Hate and Power Can Be a Terrible Thing’? Douglas Adams, 1. Agatha Christie, 2. In which Italian city can Michaelangelo's David be seen? The Last Supper. From famous paintings and plays, to novels, poems and sculptures, how much do you know? 101. 8. I feel that literature is broad enough without adding all the other arts. 54 Arts and Culture Quiz – General Knowledge Questions – Learn about Arts and Culture Arts and Culture Quiz Part 1. There's another fun picture round too - good luck! Our RadioTimes.com team has been creating lists of pub quiz questions for you to entertain your mates during the many, many Zoom, FaceTime or Google Hangout sessions you’ve promised to virtually attend. What is Kirito's title? 12 105. Questions. This quiz is incomplete! Damian Hirst, 4. If you enjoyed this quiz, check out all my general knowledge quizzes, which cover geography, music, food, art, culture and more! 5. 2. The Card Players is a series of paintings by which French post-impressionist? Score a 6 or better to and prove it. 4. In which country can you see the sphinx? Save 40% on an Aquarius Bluetooth speaker! In which book would you find this line: “All children, except one, grow up.” How are you getting on so far in this art and literature quiz? 5. 10 questions - En quelles années se déroule l’histoire? 6. parts: 29 lyn . For those of you who know your Picassos from your Pollocks, here's 20 questions about the art world. Disclaimer and Galleries and museums may have closed thanks to the corona outbreak, but that doesn’t mean the culture vultures amongst you can’t test your art knowledge. Answer: Animals. 0. Start here or see where I am in the world over on Instagram. Prev Article Next Article . Assign HW. It's time to put your knowledge to the test with this fun, challenging online trivia quiz. From famous paintings and portraits, to world-renowned sculptures, these art trivia questions will test not only your knowledge of art history, but also of the contemporary world.